
My Business Tech Stack 

Read time: 1 min

The tools I am using

I get a lot of questions about the tech stack I use, so I'm going to share it below.

I experiment with different tools all the time.

I cancel most of them after 6 months/a year.

Why? Because I want to keep it as simple as possible, and a lot of tools offer too many features that I don't use after all. Or different tools offer the same kind of features. 

Finding the best tool is finding the tool that works best for you, for your operating system, for your work routine. 
So even when guru's say you should do this or that. Find out for yourself. 
Use what you're comfortable using or already know how to use.

I can't give you much better advice than that.

Without further ado, here's what I use (yes, there are affiliate links):
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